April 11th-12th
Ponce Spring Art Festvial! This is a relatively large art festival that is in the Atlanta area. AFFPS runs this art festival and I’ve enjoyed being at their festivals so far. Always nice to work with a group that checks on you. This year it was pretty for Saturday but Sunday we got some serious rain! It all worked out, though. It didn’t really come down until everything was packed up and we were on the road. While we were driving there were fist-sized rocks that were getting pushed along the drainage ditches on the side. It’s been a while since I saw a rain that powerful and the picture doesn’t really do it justice!

During the festival I had someone playing their violin next to me which was pretty nice, like my own littl concert. She would play a lot of children’s songs.

My friend heather came to see me and that’s always a lot of fun. Had good music, good sales, good company, and the rain didn’t hit until after packing up. What more could you ask for?







The rain as we were leaving!






My friend heather visiting me!

Nearby violin player


















May 9th & 23rd, June 13th & 27th
Marietta Square Artist Market. This is a small artist market at the heart of downtown Marietta, but it is one of my favorite little festivals to be at. The ladies that run it are nice and it is next to a farmer’s market so I like to sneak over there and do some of my own food shopping.



Emily Vickers