The Old Fourth Ward Festival made it’s debut this year with me as one of the attending artists. If you aren’t familiar with the Georgia area, it’s next to the Masquerade (a pretty well-known concert hall in Georgia). The park is new and it was a pretty little area to set up for a festival.

It was windy! Again, I’ve never been so happy that I purchase my steel frame tent as when I see other tents struggle with the wind and other elements. Not to worry though… the people below weren’t horribly damaged and were able to continue on with the festival, luckily.

This festival was great for me because my mom was able to come help with me. Having a tent at a festival is strangely exhausting. Not counting setup and take down of all of your stuff, you still get tired sitting there. I thought I was crazy for feeling that way until my mom said she couldn’t believe how tired she was afterward (and she wasn’t there for setup and take down) and also… how hungry she was. It’s so easy to eat so much! I’m not sure if it’s the heat or if the crowd walking by with all their food does it to you.

Great news! I won the Director’s Choice Award 2013 for this festival. Excellent stuff! You can’t tell so much in the picture but the ribbons and the award itself was HUGE. I suppose it is so that people can see it in my booth. Overall, I had a great time at the festival and unless something comes up, I plan on doing it again.

Thanks to everyone that came by! I saw a few customers who had bought some of my work in the past and was delighted to hear that they were still enjoying my pieces. It’s always great to see friends, customers and family at these festivals.