The Swinging Girl

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The Swinging Girl

Media: Newspaper, pen and ink
Size: 24 x 28″
Painted: 2013

I couldn’t sleep all night, which is unusual for me. I’m the sort of person that lays down at 9:30 and is asleep by 9:45. I’m certainly not functional without a certain quantity of sleep. However… I stayed up all night, feeling wired with a bit of energy. I slept a total of thirty minutes. It was Sunday and I had to be at work in the morning!

I made this piece on my sleepless night. I’m not calling it a self portrait, but it is me as a little girl. The tree isn’t a perfect replicate of the one I grew up with– that tree was huge. I just remember the wind, the enormous oak tree our swings hung from and kicking up my toes to the sky. In many ways this piece is a distorted memory.

It was fun to be a little girl again when I painted this.